Blogging vs Dropshipping: Which One Is More Profitable?

Blogging vs Dropshipping


You know the deal – blogging, and dropshipping, are two of the most popular online business models out there. With blogging, you're creating content and building an audience. With dropshipping, you're selling products without ever touching inventory. 

But which one will make you more money? 

With 10 years of experience in the field of digital marketing, I have tried my luck at pretty much everything under online marketing, so I understand the pros of cons of various money-making platforms.

In this post, I'll break down how blogging and dropshipping work. I will add in some stats on their growth, and compare factors like costs, potential profits, and risks. All to help you decide which fits your goals for making money.

Here’s a preview of what’s covered.

Blogging: Pros and Cons

Dropshipping: Pros and Cons

Blogging Vs Dropshipping: A Comparative Analysis

Final Thoughts

Blogging: Pros and Cons

When you’re diving into the world of digital marketing, blogging might seem like a no-brainer. With low startup costs, the ability to monetize in various ways, and the chance to build a loyal audience, it’s like a shiny piece of candy just begging to be unwrapped. 

But is it all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s dive deeper.

Blogging Pros

First, let's take a closer look at some key pros of starting a blog.

A Low-Cost Venture

Unlike starting a brick-and-mortar business, blogging requires minimal overhead. All you need is a domain, hosting, and a creative mind. The startup cost? Typically less than a hundred bucks. It’s the kind of investment even a bootstrapped entrepreneur can afford.

Monetizing Your Words

If you’ve got something valuable to say, there are countless ways to monetize your content. From running ads and affiliate marketing to sponsored posts and selling digital products, the revenue possibilities are as vast as your imagination. Remember, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income made over $2 million in 2017 just from affiliate marketing!

Building a Loyal Audience

Blogging allows you to establish authority in your niche and build an audience that trusts your voice. Case in point? Look at Neil Patel. His blog has been instrumental in establishing him as a thought leader in the marketing industry.

Work from Anywhere

One of the biggest perks of blogging? The ability to generate passive income and work from anywhere. I’ve been working from beachside cafes to mountain cabins, and let me tell you, it never gets old!

Blogging Cons

However, every silver lining has a cloud, and blogging is no exception. Here are a few drawbacks to consider:

High Competition

With over 600 million blogs worldwide, some niches can be saturated. Breaking through the noise and making your voice heard can be a daunting task.

Long-Term Commitment

Blogging isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires consistent effort to produce quality content and drive traffic. While the dream is a blog that runs itself, the reality is it demands a long-term focus on continual improvement. 

Creating fresh, valuable content on a regular schedule and finding new ways to engage readers is key to building a loyal audience over months and years. Success stems from dedication to slow and steady work.

Dependence on Algorithms

Blogging is heavily dependent on search engine algorithms and social media platforms for visibility and reach. One algorithm changes and your traffic could plummet overnight.

Potential Legal Issues

Blogging isn't entirely without risk. Proper research is important to sidestepping legal issues like plagiarism, defamation, and copyright claims that could sink your site. With diligence, blogs can avoid unnecessary courtroom drama and keep focused on cultivating community through engaging authentic content.

While blogging offers opportunities, it also presents challenges. To decide if it's right for you means understanding strengths and weaknesses, assessing alternatives, and making a smart decision based on facts and your goals. 

Dropshipping: Pros and Cons

Now, we'll examine the advantages and disadvantages of running a dropshipping business.

Dropshipping Pros

Here are some of the potential advantages of a dropshipping business model.

Low Startup Costs and Minimal Inventory Hassles

First off, dropshipping is a dream come true for those with a shoestring budget. Unlike traditional retail businesses, dropshipping doesn’t require a hefty upfront investment. 

You only purchase goods when a customer places an order, which means there’s no need to tie up your money in unsold inventory. Moreover, since you’re not dealing with physical products, you can bid farewell to the headaches of storage, packaging, and shipping.

Let’s take a quick look at a real-life example. Casey Gauss, the founder of Viral Launch, started his business with just $400. In a few years, he scaled it to a $10M+ SaaS company. Thanks to dropshipping, Gauss was able to kickstart his business with minimal capital and grow it exponentially.

Broad Range of Products

When it comes to product offerings, the sky’s the limit with dropshipping. You’re not limited by storage space or upfront costs, which means you can sell as many items as you like. Whether it’s tech gadgets, fashion accessories, or home decor, you can offer a diverse range of products without producing or storing them yourself.

Leveraging Existing Platforms

Setting up an online store has never been easier, thanks to platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and AliExpress. These platforms handle the technical side of things, letting you focus on what matters most – marketing and customer service. 

For instance, a recent study by BuiltWith revealed that over 3.6 million websites use WooCommerce. That’s a testament to how easy it is to set up a dropshipping business.

Ease of Scaling

Dropshipping is highly scalable. As your business grows, you can easily add more products or suppliers without significant operational challenges. Unlike traditional business models, you won’t need to hire more staff or invest in larger storage facilities as your sales increase.

Dropshipping Cons

With that in mind, here are some potential drawbacks to consider with dropshipping.

Low-Profit Margins and High Competition

While dropshipping can be a golden ticket to entrepreneurship, it’s not without its pitfalls. The biggest challenge is the razor-thin profit margins. Since you’re selling other people’s products, you’ll be sharing your profits with the suppliers. Additionally, some niches are highly saturated, making it difficult to stand out and attract customers.

Dependence on Suppliers

In dropshipping, you’re at the mercy of your suppliers. If they run out of stock or send out subpar products, it’s your reputation that takes a hit. Moreover, you have little control over shipping times, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Customer Complaints and Potential Legal Issues

Since you’re not in charge of product quality or delivery, you’re bound to face customer complaints, refunds, and chargebacks. Additionally, you need to be aware of potential legal issues such as trademark infringement, tax compliance, and customs regulations. A case in point is the Oberlo dropshipping platform, which faced backlash over trademark infringement issues in 2018.

In essence, dropshipping is a mixed bag. It offers a low barrier to entry and the freedom to sell a wide range of products. However, it comes with potential pitfalls such as low profit margins, supplier dependence, and potential legal issues. 

So, is dropshipping right for you? It depends on your business goals, risk tolerance, and ability to navigate the challenges. As the old adage goes, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”.

Blogging Vs Dropshipping: A Comparative Analysis


Now that we've considered some of the individual pros and cons, let's analyze how blogging and dropshipping compare against each other.

Startup Costs: Blogging Vs Dropshipping

When embarking on a new venture, the primary concern usually revolves around initial expenses. So, let’s dive into the startup costs associated with running a blog and a dropshipping business. The question you might be asking yourself is, “Which option will be kinder to my budget?”

Starting a blog on platforms like WordPress can be relatively economical. The monthly hosting fees can range from $3 to $10. Throw in a premium theme and a handful of vital plugins, and you’re looking at an initial outlay of approximately $100 to $200. Quite affordable, wouldn’t you agree?

Now, if you venture into dropshipping using a platform like Shopify, the basic plan will cost you $29 per month. Factor in the cost of apps, product samples, and advertising, and you could be looking at an initial investment of anywhere from $500 to $2,000.

Winner: Blogging – it’s the more cost-effective option for startups.

Revenue Potential: Blogging Vs Dropshipping

Next, let’s discuss the financial aspect – how much can you potentially earn from blogging or dropshipping?

Blogging revenue primarily stems from ads, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and selling products or courses. A successful blogger can rake in anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month, but this usually requires time, patience, and consistent effort.

Dropshipping, however, is centered around selling products. With the right niche and marketing strategy, a dropshipping store could start yielding profits within a few months. Successful dropshippers can earn anywhere from $1,000 to a staggering $50,000 per month.

Winner: Dropshipping – it could potentially generate substantial revenue more quickly.

Scalability: Blogging vs Dropshipping

You’ve successfully launched your blog or dropshipping store, and things are looking up. But how feasible is it to scale these businesses?

When it comes to a blog, scalability is achieved through SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing. As your audience expands, so does your income. However, this isn’t a rapid process – it can take months, or even years, to witness a significant surge in growth.

With dropshipping, scaling is often as simple as increasing your ad spend to reach a broader customer base. However, this could potentially lead to increased customer service issues and possible quality control dilemmas.

Winner: It’s a tie! – Each business model presents its unique set of challenges when it comes to scalability.

Risks: Blogging vs Dropshipping

Finally, let’s address the elephant in the room – the risks involved.

With blogging, the most substantial risk is the extended time it can take to see a return on your investment. Additionally, there’s the risk of Google algorithm updates potentially affecting your traffic.

On the other hand, dropshipping comes with its set of risks, including supplier errors, inventory issues, and customer service challenges. Moreover, there’s always the possibility that your ads might not convert as expected.

Winner: Blogging – it has fewer operational risks compared to dropshipping.

Whether you opt for blogging or dropshipping will depend on your personal preferences, skills, and risk tolerance. 

However, you now have a clear, data-driven comparison to aid in your decision-making process. 

Final Thoughts

In the end, both blogging and dropshipping can be profitable – it comes down to your niche, research, strategy, and grind. I broke down the factors to consider when choosing between the two. 

Now it's up to you to pick which fits your strengths and plan your attacks. Use what you learned here, and do your due diligence. You'll be well-positioned for success no matter which online business model you choose. 

Harish Thyagarajan

Hi, I am the founder of Digital Nuggetz. My mission is to help people like you learn the art of Content Marketing and grow your online business using the power of strategic content marketing.